This pic was taken during raya haji time, back in my hometown...mana lagi Ganu lerrr..
I saw this skinny Santa Claus cyling along the main road of Jln K.Trg - K. Berang while on our back home from Pasar Kedai Payang. It was a day before Christmas. The moment i saw him, i was unable to snap his photo because Mr Hubby drove a bit fast.Later, we stopped by at the car accsesories shop about 7km away from where we saw the Santa Claus and hopping that he will pass by the shop, i was already stand by with my camera in hand. Luckily,there he was again,still cycling steadily under the hot sun with the thick costume on and me of course very happy to see Santa Clause for the first time at Ganu Kita...:) Jgn jeles yorrrrrr!!!!
Agak2 mana dia nk pegi tu yerr? Still wondering?????
aku bangga..aku bangga..sbg rakyat trganu,ni lah first time aku tgk santa claus kat negeriku yg indah permai aku sedikit khawaaatirrr..saper kah dia??mungkin kah suami Siah yg selalu perform kat belakang Smaasza dulu???
gossipping buddy -
oitt tadi aku pengsan kan? skrg aku dh bangun..nk sambung reply..SIah?Ya rabbi..Ingat lagi ko..Apsal minat sgt ker kt laki Siah tu smpai ari ni namaNya masih kekal dlm ingatan...Kelassssssssssssss
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