Thursday, January 17, 2008

Now I present to you

…The “Shaolin” baby in da house..Taaadaa..

Why Shaolin? Tengok jer la matanya yg sepet ngan bdn, kaki, tangan dia yg ketak2 yg amat tu..Geramnyaaaaa akuuuu!!!!!(Ya ampun kepada yg tuan punya baby..hehehe)
Sorry,I had problem adjusting the right angle to snap her photo, she keeps moving left and right, thus the photos blur.

Isn’t she adorable with the chubby cheeks and that Michelin bits? She’s only 4 months old and my lil gal adores her so much. Actually, the baby now becomes her great companion at their babysitter’s place.


Anonymous said...

tang tangan ketak2 tu mmg 'menggiurkan'..mcm KFC je drumstick je..yummy yummy..

Anonymous said...

Mama Ullya...update la blog ni.. come on,jgn abaikan hobby kita yg berfaedah ni...Jom la