Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I've got mail!

Hah? No..no..no...It's adik who receive a mail! From who? For what? It’s kindda weird, because she can’t even pronounce her name correctly yet, let alone to read a simple A,B,C. Takkan dah pandai main tulis2 surat ni...?Jeng..jeng..jeng..

As usual, once I reach home, I’ll open the mail box and check all the bills and letters received. Yesterday i was so surprised when one of the letters we’ve got is addressed to adik’s name. (Aikk kecik bebeno lagi anak aku dh dapat surat?)

Wondering who would send a letter to my lil one, I opened it and found out it was a birthday card from our Prundential agent for adik’s coming soon birthday. Hehehehe…Buat mak tergezut jerrr

Not from a boyfriend tauu....

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