Thursday, February 28, 2008


Haiiyaaaa....Gua sudah lama tatak tulih ini diary wooooo!!! So i dropped by for while just to say hai for those who already bising whenever they jelajah my blog, no update could be seen until today..Hehehehe...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Now I present to you

…The “Shaolin” baby in da house..Taaadaa..

Why Shaolin? Tengok jer la matanya yg sepet ngan bdn, kaki, tangan dia yg ketak2 yg amat tu..Geramnyaaaaa akuuuu!!!!!(Ya ampun kepada yg tuan punya baby..hehehe)
Sorry,I had problem adjusting the right angle to snap her photo, she keeps moving left and right, thus the photos blur.

Isn’t she adorable with the chubby cheeks and that Michelin bits? She’s only 4 months old and my lil gal adores her so much. Actually, the baby now becomes her great companion at their babysitter’s place.



Aku lapar yg amat. Im so lazy to drive to the malay stall nearby to get my lunch. The solution was,picked up the phone and dialed....

"Hello Mishel Cafe..I want to have 1 Thai Fried Rice serves in plate. My office is just 2 doors away from yours".

Problem solved but the bill for one Thai Fried Rice cost me RM7.90 not included 10% service tax. Kalu hari2 lunch kt situ mau lingkup mak.

Here is my Thai Fried Rice...
Ada sesapa nak?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One fine afternoon...

Late lunch that I had yesterday was at the Manhattan Fish Market over a long chat / gossip with my good gossiping buddy, Chujie of course. She had promised me makan-makan for a birthday treat and only yesterday afternoon we had time for it.

Since this is my first time at MFM, I gave the honor to Chujie to choose the delectable delights for us to fill up our already hunger tummy.

We start our main dish with Chujie’s must-order menu Flamming Seafood Platter for Two, under the restaurant’s House Specialty Platter.

Believe me, you will kick yourself if you miss out this one, according to Chujie laaa..Tak gitu cik Puan? The portion is very large served with deep fried of a really fresh fish, potato chips, the garlic rice, what else? and the flamed grilled prawn. She asked me to taste the flame affected parts first, combined with the garlic butter sauce and is absolute heaven.

In between of having our Platter adventure, we also enjoy the Garlic Lemon Mussel that I had ordered simply because the picture in the menu looks so tempting. The dish features five poached mussels bathed in a creamy luxurious Manhattan garlic butter sauce.

Now only two mussles left after the other three went into our mouth already..

Well,it’s really pigging out our hearts’ contents and thank you my friend for an incredibly “healthy” dish. Muah..muah….

I've got mail!

Hah?'s adik who receive a mail! From who? For what? It’s kindda weird, because she can’t even pronounce her name correctly yet, let alone to read a simple A,B,C. Takkan dah pandai main tulis2 surat ni...?Jeng..jeng..jeng..

As usual, once I reach home, I’ll open the mail box and check all the bills and letters received. Yesterday i was so surprised when one of the letters we’ve got is addressed to adik’s name. (Aikk kecik bebeno lagi anak aku dh dapat surat?)

Wondering who would send a letter to my lil one, I opened it and found out it was a birthday card from our Prundential agent for adik’s coming soon birthday. Hehehehe…Buat mak tergezut jerrr

Not from a boyfriend tauu....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to TownNNNgggggg!!!!!!

This pic was taken during raya haji time, back in my hometown...mana lagi Ganu lerrr..

I saw this skinny Santa Claus cyling along the main road of Jln K.Trg - K. Berang while on our back home from Pasar Kedai Payang. It was a day before Christmas. The moment i saw him, i was unable to snap his photo because Mr Hubby drove a bit fast.Later, we stopped by at the car accsesories shop about 7km away from where we saw the Santa Claus and hopping that he will pass by the shop, i was already stand by with my camera in hand. Luckily,there he was again,still cycling steadily under the hot sun with the thick costume on and me of course very happy to see Santa Clause for the first time at Ganu Kita...:) Jgn jeles yorrrrrr!!!!
Agak2 mana dia nk pegi tu yerr? Still wondering?????

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Eva’s Garden product, a very sweet and nice tea mug with stainless steel strainer and cover. With a lilium speciosum flower painted on the box and mug surface, this little souvenir comes together with the Year 2008 diary as a token from the manufacturer to us. Love it so much.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 8

This is not suppose the entry. Should be posted 2 days before, but ....nevermind.

8 January 2008. Sweet 31? Opps!!Not that old though. Hehehhe, lagi tak mau ngaku. Nothing much to expect, it just another ordinary day except that a lot of sms came in purposely to remind me..Hey, you are getting older!

I spent that whole morning till noon on the road driving from one end of KL to other end. Exhausted!!! From shah Alam to Puchong, then drive back to Kepong, headed to PJ, soon after went to USJ, and finally back to office. Ngalahkan Mr Posmen. Since it was my so-called special day, just hoping that I could have lunch together with Mr Hubby. Pretty obvious I couldn’t make it and Mr. Hubby definitely can’t be contacted since his handphone was sent to mobile shop for repair.

Feeling so hungry without taking my breakfast, I grabbed Cheezles, the original cheesy snack during a quick stopped at Petronas refueling my car. Came across the roadside mobile stall selling fried banana later, I pulled over to get another RM1 of fried banana to refuel up my stomach again.

Later at the office I continued my abandoned work and took my lunch at around 4pm. By then my head felt so heavy and dia dating lagi…This time was so bad because of the junk food that I had earlier, I guess. For the past few weeks, I always got headache and as usual, the only thing I did was taking a nap as soon as I reached home.

Also found out that my gal is having fever; then together we spent the night lying down at the main hall watching tv until everybody felt asleep.

There goes my DAY!


Welcome Year 1429. Sayonara to 1428. Welcome back to me as well since I’ve not been blogging for almost 3 weeks.

Welcome Awal Muharam, meaning it’s the beginning of the first month of Muslim calendar, also known as Maal Hijrah. Happy New Year to every Muslim in this world. May this lead to a starting point and for us to evaluate inner-self on self achievement in the past and do better in the future(mcm bagus jer bunyik walhal aku ni new resolutions ade ker !) No worry, I’ll list down soon. A’hah!

This day also means a lot to me. Two years back, at this day the miraculous moment took place after of my whole night full of cramps and irregular contractions. Me intensely emotional and nervous anticipation, worth every single pain that I went through soon after the little fresh Hijriah was born. Ullya Hijriah, now turns to 2 was named after the historic day. Factually she will celebrate her birthday 3 times this year. Why is it so? Because we celebrate Awal Muharram twice in year 2008, today and next is coming December end. Also not forget on her every 31st January, of course.If this happens every year, bole lingkup mak…!!!!