Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Welcome Year 1429. Sayonara to 1428. Welcome back to me as well since I’ve not been blogging for almost 3 weeks.

Welcome Awal Muharam, meaning it’s the beginning of the first month of Muslim calendar, also known as Maal Hijrah. Happy New Year to every Muslim in this world. May this lead to a starting point and for us to evaluate inner-self on self achievement in the past and do better in the future(mcm bagus jer bunyik walhal aku ni new resolutions ade ker !) No worry, I’ll list down soon. A’hah!

This day also means a lot to me. Two years back, at this day the miraculous moment took place after of my whole night full of cramps and irregular contractions. Me intensely emotional and nervous anticipation, worth every single pain that I went through soon after the little fresh Hijriah was born. Ullya Hijriah, now turns to 2 was named after the historic day. Factually she will celebrate her birthday 3 times this year. Why is it so? Because we celebrate Awal Muharram twice in year 2008, today and next is coming December end. Also not forget on her every 31st January, of course.If this happens every year, bole lingkup mak…!!!!

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